
Reading Notes

Getting Started with JavaScript

  1. Compose a short poem describing how HTTP sends data between computers.

Once there was a little website

that traveled at the speed of light

but what we cannot see,

Http server requests via TCP

the parsed out info came to the client, quite right.

  1. Describe how HTML, CSS, and JS files are “parsed” in the browser.

Basically what ends up happening is the website needs a higherarchy in regards of what to read first. The HTML gets called first since it is the frame work but also it contains within the call to CSS, then when the call is answered it presents the parsed CSS and at the same time when the JavaScript is called it is answered with the parsed JavaScript.

  1. How can you find images to add to a Website?

Google Images

Note that most images on the web, including in Google Images, are copyrighted. To reduce your likelihood of violating copyright, you can use Google’s license filter. Click on the Tools button, then on the resulting Usage rights option that appears below. You should choose the option Creative Commons licenses.


  1. How do you create a String vs a Number in JavaScript?

By using single quote marks

  1. What is a Variable and why are they important in JavaScript?

Variable is legion. You can make just about anything a variable and then define it with a value that the user also gets to assign. They make up a lot of what goes on in JavaScript. If JavaScript was a machine variables could potentially be cogs, gears, leavers, screws, pedals, ball bearings, anything!