We have made it past the proprietary plugin-based technologies. Now, luckily, we have the more simplistic and consistent HTML based tag elements, with the JavaScript to control them.
The source attribute provides a pathway to the video you want to embed, and the controls (pretty self explanatory) give the users a way to control the videos audio and visual playback.
The paragraph inside the video tag is called the ‘fallback content’ and if there is any issue with accessing the video due to the browser, for whatever reason, it provides an explanation of what is missing or a direct link to the video file so the user can access it in a different way.
Flex is a one directionsl flow whereas grid is two dimesional and has a grid based layout system.
Sometimes an image holds important information that would be lost in translation between a desktop sie screen and a mobile device if the site is not responsive. It could potentially use up bandwith, which could be troublesome and unnecessary for a mobile user.
These two tags give the computer an option depending on what the conditions are, srcset looks at what the size of the veiwport will be if it’s greater or lesser than ‘x’. Whatever the answer is, the size tag gives it the appropriately sized choice respective to the size of the viewport.
When trying to create a responsive environment, it is a wiser choice to begine by using the ‘srcset’ considering it would automatically run first anyway. Otherwise, it would be bogged down loading the inital large image before the JavaScript ran the test to see what size the veiwport was, only to find out it was smaller, therefore the site would also then have to load the smaller image, also but instead as well.