A manipulated array that differs from an original array.
Using .map() you can render the array into ‘listed items’ in an ‘unordered list’.
They help React identify which items have changed, are added, or removed. When given to the element, the key gives it a stable identity. https://reactjs.org/docs/lists-and-keys.html
The spread operator is a new addition to the set of operators in JavaScript ES6. It takes in an iterable (e.g an array) and expands it into individual elements.
The spread operator is commonly used to make deep copies of JS objects. When we have nested arrays or nested data in an object, the spread operator makes a deep copy of top-level data and a shallow copy of the nested data. Using this operator makes the code concise and enhances its readability. https://www.educative.io/answers/what-is-the-spread-operator-in-javascript
const letterArray = [‘l’, ‘m’, ‘n’, ‘o’] const numberArray = [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’] const combineArray = […letterArray,…numberArray] it would read as: combineArray // l m n o 1 2 3 4
const someHeros = [‘batman’, ‘superman’, ‘hulk’] const moreHeros = [‘spderman’, ‘captainamerica’, …someHeros] it would read as : moreHeros // [“spiderman”, “captainamerica”, “batman”, “superman”, “hulk”]
const objectNight = {bye: “dark”} const objectDay = {hello: “light”} const objectTwilight = {…objectNight, …objectDay, evening: “dim”} it would read as: objectTwilight // {bye: “dark”, hello: “light”, evening: “dim”} const objectWit = {…objectNight, …objectDay, dim: () => {counsole.log (“dim”.repeat(3))}} objectWit.dim() // wit wit wit
He creates a function where the state is.
increment = (name) => { let ppl = this.state.people.map( (p) => { if(p.name === name) { p.count++; } return p; }); this.setState({people: ppl}); }
The increment fuction firstly looks for the name object, within the people array, that is associated with the call (ie: Bob, Tina, Louise, Linda, or Gene). From there whichever object gets called (p) from the people array, if the name matches (or is strictly equal to) the name called, add one to that objects counter, then update the count on that (p) then update the whole array and refer to the new one as (ppl).
As a prop
I feel like I’m looking way too into this and can’t really find a direct straight forward answer, except the reoccuring ‘render’ and ‘return’?