HTML is lowercase, React must be capitalized
JSX stands for JavaScript XML. It’s a syntax extension for JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code within your JavaScript code. JSX is primarily used in the React library for building user interfaces.
By wrapping it in curly braces
In React, there is no special syntax for writing conditions. Instead, you’ll use the same techniques as you use when writing regular JavaScript code. For example, you can use an if statement to conditionally include JSX. If you prefer more compact code, you can use the conditional ? operator. Unlike if, it works inside JSX. When you don’t need the else branch, you can also use a shorter logical && syntax.
You will rely on JavaScript features like for loop and the array map() function to render lists of components.Inside your component, use the map() function to transform an array of products into an array of <li> items. The <li> has a key attribute. For each item in a list, you should pass a string or a number that uniquely identifies that item among its siblings. Usually, a key should be coming from your data, such as a database ID. React uses your keys to know what happened if you later insert, delete, or reorder the items.
React knows to respond to a user’s inputs through event handling, where you define event handlers to capture user actions, and state management, where you update the component’s state to trigger re-renders and reflect the changes in the user interface. This allows React to provide a reactive and interactive user experience.
By passing the information through props.
Once the component has been initially rendered, you can trigger further renders by updating its state with the set function. Updating your component’s state automatically queues a render.
React only changes the DOM nodes if there’s a difference between renders.
After rendering is done and React updated the DOM, the browser will… rerender the screen
Keep these pages handy - they answer questions that show up regularly for this lab.
Your First Component Importing and Exporting Components Writing Markup with JSX
sass cheatsheet react cheatsheet
File Naming: PascalCase is used for filenames, with each word capitalized, and the extension .jsx is used for React components.
Reference Naming: PascalCase is used for importing React components. The reference name matches the filename.
Higher-order Component Naming: The displayName property of the higher-order component is set to a composite name consisting of the higher-order component’s name and the passed-in component’s name, enclosed in parentheses.
Props Naming: It is recommended to avoid using DOM component prop names (like style and className) for different purposes within your components. Instead, use descriptive prop names that clearly communicate their purpose.
I only knid of understood a little bit of react the first time around, I’m looking forward to taking a deeper dive this time around.
Getting the basic principles of react down.